
Automated HubSpot Inbox Handling
Jul 18, 2024

Automated HubSpot Inbox Handling

Enhanced HubSpot Integration: AI Agents Now Respond Directly to Inbox Messages We're expanding our HubSpot integration capabilities, allowing Invicta AI agents to directly engage with your HubSpot inbox. This update builds on our existing tools, creating a more comprehensive AI-powered customer communication solution. New HubSpot Inbox Trigger Our AI agents can now activate automatically when messages arrive in your HubSpot inbox, ensuring timely responses to customer inquiries. Direct Response Tool Agents can now compose and send replies through HubSpot, maintaining conversation continuity and enhancing the customer experience. These new features seamlessly integrate into your existing Invicta AI setup, requiring no coding knowledge. They're designed to streamline your customer service workflows, allowing your human team to focus on complex issues and strategy. Try out our enhanced HubSpot integration today and watch your AI agents become even more efficient in handling customer communications. The future of customer service is here, and it's more responsive and intelligent than ever.

New Triggers: Scheduler & Webhook
Jul 04, 2024

New Triggers: Scheduler & Webhook

Introducing Scheduler and Webhook: Supercharge Your AI Workforce We're excited to unveil two game-changing triggers that will take your AI agents to the next level: Scheduler and Webhook. These powerful additions are designed to make your Invicta AI workforce even more proactive and responsive. Scheduler: Time-Based Automation Scheduler empowers your AI agents to perform tasks on a set timetable, bringing a new level of automation to your workflows: Set up daily, weekly, or monthly routines Automate report generation at specific times Schedule check-ins and follow-ups without manual intervention Webhook: Real-Time Integrations Webhook opens up a world of instant reactions, allowing your AI agents to respond immediately to external events: Process new leads the moment they arrive Update workflows when tasks are completed in other systems Trigger actions based on real-time data from your tech stack These new triggers seamlessly integrate into your existing Invicta AI setup, requiring no coding knowledge. They're designed to enhance your AI workforce's capabilities, allowing your human team to focus on strategy and innovation. Try out Scheduler and Webhook today and watch your AI agents become even more efficient and responsive. The future of work is here, and it's more automated and intelligent than ever.

Claude 3.5 Sonnet
Jun 26, 2024

Claude 3.5 Sonnet

Invicta AI is taking a leap forward in AI capabilities by integrating Anthropic's Claude 3.5 Sonnet into its platform. This powerful new model opens up exciting possibilities for users looking to tackle complex tasks with greater ease and precision. Key Features Coding Capabilities: Claude 3.5 Sonnet excels at understanding and generating code, making it a valuable asset for developers. Advanced Visual Processing: Analyze images and visual data with unprecedented accuracy. Long Document Handling: Work with extensive texts while maintaining context and accuracy. Enhanced RAG Performance: Improve retrieval-augmented generation tasks for more reliable and contextually relevant outputs. Why It Matters Claude 3.5 Sonnet represents Anthropic's most advanced model to date, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in AI-assisted work. By incorporating this cutting-edge technology, Invicta AI is empowering its users to take on more sophisticated projects and streamline complex workflows. Availability The best part? Invicta AI is offering Claude 3.5 Sonnet to its users at no additional cost. This move demonstrates Invicta AI's commitment to providing state-of-the-art tools that can truly transform how businesses leverage AI in their day-to-day operations. Whether you're developing software, analyzing data, or working with large documents, Claude 3.5 Sonnet on Invicta AI's platform is ready to elevate your AI-powered workflows to new heights. Experience the future of AI-assisted work today with Invicta AI and Claude 3.5 Sonnet.

Pause/Resume & Multiple Triggers
Jun 19, 2024

Pause/Resume & Multiple Triggers

Introducing New Features: Pause and Resume Triggers, and Multiple Triggers for Agents We’re excited to announce two powerful new features for Invicta AI agents: Pause and Resume Triggers and Multiple Triggers. Pause and Resume Triggers: This feature allows you to temporarily halt any trigger’s activity and resume it later. It provides greater control over your workflows, enabling you to manage workloads during peak times, schedule downtimes, and make strategic adjustments without disrupting other operations. Multiple Triggers: Agents can now have multiple triggers, making them more versatile and responsive. This enhancement allows a single agent to handle various conditions or events, creating more complex workflows and ensuring your agents act appropriately in all scenarios. These updates provide increased flexibility and efficiency for managing your AI-driven workflows. Discover how these features can enhance your operations with Invicta AI today!

New Tools: Web Scrape and HTTP Request
Jun 12, 2024

New Tools: Web Scrape and HTTP Request

Introducing New Tools: Web Scrape and Web Request We're excited to announce two powerful additions to the Invicta AI toolkit: Web Scrape and Web Request (HTTP Request). Web Scrape allows our AI agents to effortlessly extract information from websites, whether it's for gathering research data, comparing prices, or staying updated with the latest news. Web Request (HTTP Request) equips our agents to interact directly with APIs, enabling seamless integration with various services and enhancing your workflow efficiency. Both tools are optimized to work with our new batch mode, allowing agents to handle hundreds of rows and perform multiple scrapes or requests simultaneously. This functionality ensures that your AI agents can manage large-scale tasks with precision and speed, further amplifying their utility and effectiveness in your operations.

Batch Mode
Jun 06, 2024

Batch Mode

Revamped Batch Mode and Enhanced Web Optimisation We're thrilled to announce major enhancements to Invicta AI, focusing on our powerful Batch Mode and overall web optimisation. Revamped Batch Mode: Our enhanced Batch Mode now allows all Invicta AI agents to run in parallel with specific instructions across hundreds of rows. This upgrade opens new possibilities for automating large-scale tasks with precision and efficiency: Data Analysis & Reporting: Automate comprehensive data processing and analysis. Sales Outreach: Execute personalized bulk outreach campaigns, boosting engagement and conversions. Web Scraping & Data Ingestion: Perform extensive, concurrent web scraping to keep your data up-to-date. Enhanced Web Optimisation: We've optimized threading, agent tools, and AI teammate loading for faster and more efficient execution of tasks. These improvements ensure that your AI agents operate seamlessly, managing large-scale workflows with ease. Experience the power of our updated Batch Mode and enhanced web optimisation—upgrade your workflow today with Invicta AI!

Introducing Triggers
May 31, 2024

Introducing Triggers

We're excited to announce the latest enhancement to our AI Agents platform: Triggers! What Are Triggers? Triggers allow your AI agents to autonomously initiate actions based on specific events or conditions. This new feature is designed to enhance efficiency by enabling your agents to respond immediately and appropriately to certain stimuli, all without requiring manual intervention. Imagine a seamless workflow where your agents are always ready, reacting in real-time to the environment around them. Introducing Our First Trigger: Gmail Email Received We're starting strong with the Gmail Email Received trigger. Here's how it works: whenever an email lands in your Gmail inbox, your AI agent can be set up to perform a predefined action. Whether it's sending a quick acknowledgment, sorting the email into a particular folder, or kicking off a more complex workflow, this trigger ensures that no email goes unattended, and your response time is minimized. This capability transforms how you interact with incoming emails, freeing up your time for more strategic tasks while your AI agent handles the day-to-day. How It Enhances Efficiency Consider the time saved when routine responses and tasks are handled automatically. With the Gmail Email Received trigger, you can set up your AI agent to: Acknowledge receipt: Automatically send a confirmation email to the sender. Classify and sort: Move emails to designated folders based on criteria such as sender, subject line, or keywords. Launch processes: Initiate further actions like updating a CRM system, setting reminders, or notifying team members. This level of automation ensures that important communications are never missed and are dealt with promptly and efficiently. What's Next? The Gmail Email Received trigger is just the beginning. We have an exciting pipeline of additional triggers that will soon be available. These will cover various platforms and scenarios, further expanding what your AI agents can do autonomously. You can look forward to triggers for social media interactions, calendar events, project management tools, and much more. Stay tuned as we continue to roll out these powerful features aimed at making your workflows smoother and more efficient. With Triggers, we're taking another step towards a future where AI not only assists but anticipates and acts on your behalf. Embrace the future of automated workflows with our new Triggers feature—starting today!

New Actions for HubSpot and Slack
May 24, 2024

New Actions for HubSpot and Slack

We're excited to introduce a suite of new AI actions designed to enhance your productivity and streamline your workflows, especially for those using HubSpot and Slack. These tools are crafted to make the daily tasks of sales teams and customer support agents more efficient and interconnected. HubSpot Integration: Empowering Deal Management Our latest update brings powerful capabilities directly into your workflow: Create a Deal: Initiate deals immediately after a promising interaction, right from your current platform. This means less switching between applications, enabling you to capitalize on opportunities swiftly. Update a Deal: Keep deal statuses fresh and reflective of the latest developments without ever leaving your workflow environment. Delete a Deal: Manage your pipeline effectively by removing deals that are no longer active directly from within your current interface. Add a Note to a Deal: Capture crucial insights and observations on the fly, ensuring no details are lost in translation. Update a Note in a Deal: Maintain the accuracy and relevance of deal-related notes, enhancing communication and record-keeping. Slack Integration: Streamlining Communication The integration with Slack introduces a dynamic way to enhance team collaboration: Direct Messaging for Agents: Agents can now send messages directly within Slack. This feature allows for seamless communication, making it easier to discuss deal updates, client feedback, and more without multiple platform switches. Use Cases: Immediate Deal Creation: Imagine an agent interacting with a potential client through a chat bubble. The conversation goes well, signaling potential for a deal. Without leaving the chat interface, the agent can now create a HubSpot deal directly. This integration reduces friction and captures the opportunity at the moment. Slack as a Notification Center: Agents can utilize Slack not just for communication but as a central hub for notifications. When a deal is updated or a new note is added in HubSpot, team members can receive instant updates in Slack. This ensures everyone is on the same page and can react quickly to changes. These new features are designed to not only enhance functionality but also bring a level of ease and efficiency that allows teams to focus more on strategy and less on manual processes. Whether you're closing deals faster or keeping your team aligned with real-time updates, these integrations are here to help you excel.

Invicta AI Partner Program
May 15, 2024

Invicta AI Partner Program

Introducing Invicta AI's Partner Program We're excited to unveil the Invicta AI Partner Program, designed to reward those who help us spread the word about our innovative AI solutions. As a partner, you'll earn a 25% commission on all recurring payments for the first year of every referral you make. It's a fantastic way to generate extra income while supporting cutting-edge technology. Why Join? Generous Commissions: Earn 25% of all recurring payments for the first year. Exclusive Resources: Access special materials and round-the-clock support from our team. AI Community: Join a network of peers, collaborate, and gain exclusive insights. Here's a sneak peek at potential earnings: Invicta AI Plus: 50 sales could earn you $3,600 in commission. Invicta AI Pro: 50 sales might result in $13,050. Invicta AI Business: 50 sales could bring in $40,050. Getting started is simple. Fill out a quick form to join our affiliate program and start earning. For more details and to sign up, visit our Partner Program page. Join us today and be part of the future with Invicta AI!

Introducing AI Agent Teams
May 10, 2024

Introducing AI Agent Teams

Introducing AI Agent Teams. This update takes our previous multi-agent capabilities to the next level with a redesigned Multi-Agent Collaboration Framework that's easier to use, more flexible and modular. Now, you can create teams of AI agents, each using different language models like GPT-4, Claude 3, or Mistral Large. With AI Teams, you can tailor groups of agents to handle specific tasks or projects. This allows for smoother operations and better handling of complex workflows. Whether you're managing data analysis, customer service, or content generation, AI Teams help streamline the process by bringing together the best skills from different AIs. Let us know what kind of AI teams you'd love to have on your side. 💭