
Competitor Monitoring and Reporting

Deploy a Mixture of Agents (MoA) led by a Competitive Intelligence Coordinator to monitor and report significant changes in business data, allowing your team to focus on strategic decision-making rather than data gathering.

Step 1: Clone all the AI Agents

Clone and configure the following specialized agents:
  • Competitive Intelligence Coordinator Agent (link)
  • CRM Agent: for HubSpot integration (link)
  • Research Agent: for web scraping (link)
  • Communications Agent: for Slack reporting (link)
  • step 1

    Step 2: Edit the Agent System Message

    Edit the Coordinator Agent and update the following in the system message:
  • List of competitor websites to monitor (Researcher Agent)
  • HubSpot CRM integration details (Coordinator Agent AND CRM Agent)
  • Slack channel ID for reporting (Communications Agent)
  • step 2

    Step 3: Add AI Teammates to the Coordinator

    After cloning, add all other agents as the Competitive Intelligence Coordinator's AI teammates.

    step 3

    Step 4: Add a trigger and Save!

    Select the trigger for the Coordinator Agent. A scheduler trigger (e.g., weekly) is recommended for regular monitoring. Save the changes, and your operations intelligence team is ready to go!

    For the starting instruction, we recommend the following prompt:

    It's time for the weekly competitor analysis update. Please initiate the competitive intelligence gathering process, analyze the data for significant changes, and report ONLY if substantial updates are found. 

    If no significant changes have occurred, inform the Communication Agent that no update is necessary this week and DO NOT create a new note.
    step 4

    Clone agents and hire your first AI Employees

    Try for free