September 04, 2023

References, Content Preview, and More

References, Content Preview, and More

Hi user! We're thrilled to announce some fantastic updates to our platform:

• 🔗 References
Now, you can view the exact sources our AI used to provide your answer in document mode. Just click and explore the references. No more guessing!

• 📑 Content Preview
You can now directly view the content of your uploaded documents, links, Notion pages, and more. Everything is easily accessible for you. Navigate to the knowledge base and press the Eye icon to view the content.

• ⏹️ Stop Generation and Quick Scroll
Chat better with our new features. The Stop Generation lets you choose when the AI should stop answering your last prompt. Quick Scroll makes it easy to reach the bottom of the page.

Feel free to explore these new features and let us know if you have any feedback!

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