July 18, 2024

Automated HubSpot Inbox Handling

Automated HubSpot Inbox Handling

Enhanced HubSpot Integration: AI Agents Now Respond Directly to Inbox Messages

We're expanding our HubSpot integration capabilities, allowing Invicta AI agents to directly engage with your HubSpot inbox. This update builds on our existing tools, creating a more comprehensive AI-powered customer communication solution.

New HubSpot Inbox Trigger

Our AI agents can now activate automatically when messages arrive in your HubSpot inbox, ensuring timely responses to customer inquiries.

Direct Response Tool

Agents can now compose and send replies through HubSpot, maintaining conversation continuity and enhancing the customer experience.

These new features seamlessly integrate into your existing Invicta AI setup, requiring no coding knowledge. They're designed to streamline your customer service workflows, allowing your human team to focus on complex issues and strategy.

Try out our enhanced HubSpot integration today and watch your AI agents become even more efficient in handling customer communications. The future of customer service is here, and it's more responsive and intelligent than ever.

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