November 10, 2023

AI Automations - Your First Digital Employees

AI Automations - Your First Digital Employees

We're excited to announce our first step towards the future of work - AI Automations.

Your AI agents can now act autonomously to execute tasks and workflows without your intervention. It's like having your first digital employees who never sleep!

Introducing our very first AI Automaton - Email Automation. Your AI agents can now automatically answer all your emails, using the right information from its knowledge base.



Here are some ways you can use it:
∙ Answer FAQs automatically.
∙ Arrange meetings for you.
∙ Find & summarise key emails

Follow these 3 easy steps to set it up:
∙ Connect your Outlook (Gmail is coming soon!)
∙ Use an existing template or create your own AI agents
∙ And you're done!

Try it out today and start making complex workflows simpler. If there are other workflows you want automated, let us know!

Clone agents and hire your first AI Employees

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